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46 document(en) met "One 2 Life" • Resultaten 21 tot 40 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten

Nr. 71, Maart 2000 • Erwin Jans • De honden van King Lear
De fascinatie van Stanner Frank Vercruyssen voor de maatschappijkritische zwarte rapmuziek en zijn politiek engagement in voorstellingen als Het is nieuwe maan en het wordt aanzienlijk frisser en One...Life en de expliciete verwijzing naar de Antwerpse politiek door het gebruik van het Antwerps dialect in de voorstelling, zijn twee mogelijke ingangen voor een nieuwe lezing van Ibsens drama vanuit de

Nr. 73, Januari 2000 • (advertentie)
Stadsschouwburg 17/10 - 20u EJM1 - MUYBRIDGE ckaribxoi/damsbs -fuix Stadsschouwburg 10/11 - 20u PRETTY STICKS happy mwbais Biekorf 16/11 -20u30 IN AS MUCH AS LIFE IS BORROWED...20u OCTOBER 13TH s am iopwyce / f hi nuxsbry Stadsschouwburg 19/01 - 20u NANA & LILA Stadsschouwburg 10/02 - 20u DOUBLE POINTS: ONE & TWO iwo oxbco * pc

Nr. 74, December 2000 • Marleen Baeten • De ondraaglijke lichtheid van het bestaan
creditcard called life: 16 regiedebuut van Inés Sauer (BRONKS & Brussel 2000) Inés Sauer moet ongeveer een leeftijdgenote zijn van Maria Clara Villa-Lobos en ook hun loopbaan vertoont...Ondanks de lichtheid in vertolking is creditcard called life: 16 evenmin een impressie van de ondraaglijke lichtheid van het bestaan als zestienjarige...Maar van creditcard called life: 16 wordt er volop genoten, nog wel het meest door de meisjes op de scène

Nr. 76, Maart 2001 • Marc Holthof • Mentaal Muiswerk
Daarbij wijst Greenaway met enige zin voor ironie de verantwoordelijkheid voor de onderbelichte rol van Miranda af: ‘The one script that I was never responsible for, is The Tempest...Voor Johnson moesten de Court Masques ‘mirrors of mans life’ zijn, voor Jones waren het slechts spektakels: ‘pictures with light and motion’. In dezelfde lijn belicht Jacek Fabiszak uit Polen

Nr. 79, December 2001 • Erwin Jans • Medea: Of de ironie van de gemeenschap
Antigone: 'As a loved one I will lie with him, a loved one...Tragedy and Ethical Life, Indiana University Press, Bloomington & Indianapolis, 2001 11

Nr. 83, Januari 2002 • Marianne Van Kerkhoven • Werkverslag. Hoofdstuk I: Nuanceren: Over het innemen...
Raimund Hoghe, William Yang, De Parade, Tg Stan in One 2 Life, de diverse projecten in wijken, met stads- 14 • •• etcetera 83 kronieken en met orale geschiedenis...He do the life in different voices, Het Kind van de Smid, de film Vinaya, enzovoort

Nr. 88, September 2003 • Annie Declerck • In memoriam Joseph Chaikin (1935-2003)
Edward Albee bestempelde deze voorstelling als 'one of the most exciting things I ever saw, or any of us ever saw...Zijn werken en denken blijven nochtans constant in beweging: 'I can only say that my life and views change radically from one period to another...Chaikin bijna organisch verbonden: 'In playing "Endgame" one comes to know Beckett in a way that is a special way of knowing somebody

Nr. 91, April 2004 • An van Dienderen • Collectiviteit in beeld: Het productieproces van The...
enter a zone where the world put before us lies between one not our own and one that very well might be, between a world we may recognize as a fragment of our own and one that may seem fabricated...etcetera 91 ()!) O 47 Productieproces als kritische site A documentary aware ofits own artifice is one that remains sensitive to theflow between fact...there is no strict equivalence between stories of conflict and everyday life

Nr. 92, Juni 2004 • Mummy mummy Where did you go My...
Men gave women their power Because they created new life (...) This divine fact gave women the right to rule Men were only thinking about having sex all day (...) They discovered...having sex created life And as soon as they were sure they took over And they started to introduce their systems Their systems based on the fact that Having sex creates life One plus one is two

Nr. 92, Juni 2004 • Katleen Van Langendonck • 'De essentie van verleiden is transformatie': Geslacht,...
was a girl/just a girl/one of the girls/girlish eyes /girlish mouth/dressed girlish9 Vertrekkende van een analyse van de muziek van Steve Reich, is Fase (1982) in zijn geheel een uitwerking...gave women their power Because they created new life (...) This divine fact gave women the right to rule Men were only thinking about having sex all day (...) They discovered that created life And as soon as they were sure they took over And they started to introduce their systems Their systems based on the fact that Having sex creates life One plus one is two

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Jeroen Peeters • Schimmenspel als herinneringsarbeid: Het documentaire theater van...
How does one write a history of civil war in Lebanon...urge you to approach them as we do, as 'hysterical symptoms' based not on any one person's actual memories but on cultural fantasies erected from the material of collective memories...Ze werkt dat thema verder uit in haar 11 septemberboekje Precarious Life: The Power of Mourning and Violence (Londen, 2004). 9 Uit het voorwoord bij een foto-essay van The Atlas Group/Walid

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Myriam Van Imschoot • He says space, she thinks time

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Patricia Portela • Flatland
50 • 9® etcetera 94 empirical components I needed to create an empirical 3D model in Flatland.f...) chapter BUT One day, lazily sliding for a bit of relaxation...Well, I know what a fingerprint is, I just had not slid through one before...Edward R. Tufte Flatpeople Euclides Nightmare Letters and James Bond was out there living the real one

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • De redactie • Etcetera = ...: Intentieverklaring van de nieuwe...
mean that criticality, while building on critique, wants nevertheless to inhabit culture in a relation other than one of critical analysis, other than one of illuminating flaws, locating elisions...One is after all always operating out of a contingent position, always seemingly at does not learn something new until one unlearns something old; otherwise, one is simply adding information rather than rethinking a structure

Nr. 96, April 2005 • Bruno Pocheron • Reactive(s)
Engelstalige versie van je tekst op 'I walk freely from one performance to another and engage in talks with the dance-makers; ideally this resembles paying a visit to artists' studios...Ik beëindig deze brief met een uitspraak van Brian Massumi, die helemaal op het einde van Parables for the virtual schrijft: 'There is only one general principle in ethics: no process line has the God...before they do ecological harm to other forms of life

Nr. 96, April 2005 • Jeroen Peeters • Buiten/binnen: Berichten uit de studio
annulment of the life of the event by time, and the belatedness of language itself, that makes the event's recall in writing vibrant and possible...Met Giorgio Agamben: To be potential means: to be one's own lack, to be in relation to one's own incapacity...One is drawn into the zone of indistinction between the inside and the outside, the private and the public, the exception and the example, the free and the controlled

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Maaike Bleeker • Moet theater de wereld redden?: Over We...
Imagine just one long-stretched time fucking difficult to imagine the world would be as one...Life is life

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Fin Novembre • Journal: A l'œil nu #4 Leuven
cliché, but life is one big lie...cannot say that there is a film, a book, a song or another work of art that changed my life...One cat I know (Minki) died this week, another one (Chatta) is dying

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Jacob Wren • Families are formed through copulation / Families...
Part Two Family Therapy FATHER The therapist called it role-playing and reluctantly we agreed, stood facing one another, husband and wife...same number of nuclear warheads and using any of them will result in mutual assured destruction and no one wants that because essentially everyone wants to live...Fortunately, this is the one mistake which we never made

Nr. 101, April 2006 • An van Dienderen • Afkicken van representatie
Ruiz 1995: 14). '... the criteria according to which most of the characters in today's movies behave are drawn from one particular culture (that of the USA). In this culture, it is not only...any attempt to portray it as anything more than the representation of one sort of life in the categories of another impossible to defend...Asad 1986: 164) 3 'The technologies of seeing bring us ever closer to a sort ofBorgesian map of reality - one that corresponds at all points with the external world - but as they do so, they

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