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132 document(en) met "But" • Resultaten 101 tot 120 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Maaike Bleeker • Moet theater de wereld redden?: Over We...
UN soldiers look like soldiers, but they act like parking guards, because that is the job we give them

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Fin Novembre • Journal: A l'œil nu #4 Leuven
cliché, but life is one big lie...suicide of Mouchette in the Robert Bresson film, but I don't know if it changed me

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Martin Nachbar • Hoe word ik een indringer, of: hoe...
But then quickly finds an excuse 13h21 Still reading files - looks in her mirror

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Ive Stevenheydens • Venetië versus Istanbul, wie heeft de grootste?
Een billboard met in apenpakken gehulde demonstranten voor het dogenpaleis blokletterde 'Strange but True Facts about La Biennale di Venezia', op hun borden toonden de vreemde aapwezens slogans als

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Erwin Jans • Who’s afraid of representation?
11 “event” did exactly that: it revealed the hidden situation of implosion that had started to accumulate after the end of the cold war and the rise of the “empire”. Similar “events”, but on a smaller

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Jacob Wren • Families are formed through copulation / Families...
she will grow up and slowly grow away from us but this will be made easier by the fact that from the very beginning we let her breathe, we didn’t smother her in our own fears and neurosis but rather...haven’t really spoken for the past ten years or so and I realize things are difficult, things are more than a little bit strained between us, but you can’t help but love your children and I love...He never expected a reply but he got a reply and he forgave them and there are so many things in the world which I am unable to forgive but with my parents and with my daughter I always try

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • (redactie Etcetera) • Lexicon
Microbe is so very small You cannot make him out at all, But many sanguine people hope To see him through a microscope

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • (Constant VZW) • (Stitch & Split)
art n’est pas un but en soi –cela demanderait une naïveté moins écorchée– mais nous y voyons l’occasion de formuler des critiques à l’égard de notre temps et de développer une véritable sensibilité pour

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Elke Van Campenhout • Edito
science, but to distinguish within the sciences, or better, within the cosmopolitics, the procedures through which the scientists expect to run as much risk as their subjects...Going from science to politics, is not, for her, going from stringent constraints to more relaxed ones, but keeping exactly the same objectives with a total indifference to what is science and what

Nr. 101, April 2006 • Daniëlle de Regt • Raqs Media Collective
situation is tense, but under control Who is the Strang next to you? Eigenlijk blijft het dilemma hetzelfde: wat kan er gedaan worden met beelden, getuigenissen en citaten van de

Nr. 101, April 2006 • An van Dienderen • Afkicken van representatie
indispensable to make decisions but also to act on them, immediately (not so in China or Iraq). The immediate consequence of most decisions in this culture is some kind of conflict (untrue in other cultures...documentary can easily thus become a "style": it no longer constitutes a mode of production or an attitude toward life, but proves to be only an element of aesthetics (or anti-aesthetics), which...Asad 1986: 164) 3 'The technologies of seeing bring us ever closer to a sort ofBorgesian map of reality - one that corresponds at all points with the external world - but as they do so, they

Nr. 101, April 2006 • Everything should be made as simple as...
But not simpler

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Jeroen Peeters • Verzwijgt de danser dat hij spreekt?
seems to be that it’s not just a memory space, sound is also an intrusion of an alien that is off stage: audible but not visible, whereas the body is visible, not audible

Nr. 103, September 2006 • (Advertentie) • (Advertentie)

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Stef Lernous • Raffael Pascoe: auteurschap in de pornocinematografie
teach us to embrace difference, not just as part of a general apolitical post-modern celebration of all differences equality, but as political strategies...But I digress...Agreed the man was insane, a killer even, but now free and healed, had us enlightened years before with such miraculous pellicular atrocities... but now... nobody was interested... nobody cared

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Shelly Silver • Shelly Silver
photograph him, but I don’t know what he’s doing here; what he wants to show me...He writes, but he doesn’t want to meet...He says he has something to tell me, but he can’t tell me yet. –––––– He writes: Meet me at the northwest corner of Worth and Church Street at 10:25 pm

Nr. 103, September 2006 • (Cover) • (Inhoud)
nothing but the best articles, interviews and essays of past and future issues

Nr. 104, December 2006 • Ina Wudtke(dj T-Ina Darling) • Resident Blues
year I am back And I hope by then I am doing good superficial grant The money that I gonna get Would be at home more than I’ve ever had But in this foreign land again it will be hard to meet

Nr. 104, December 2006 • Jan Ritsema • Portret van een dooie kip als kunstenaar
no performance, they screamed, (when he started to ask subsidy for it as a performance) this is a new initiative, very interesting, but not a performance but I am a director he said I am staging...initiative, yes, but no performance praiseworthy yes but not eligible for subsidies not as some kind of art in general, let alone as a performance never mind how many actors were involved how accessible...monument, yes But without a structure, almost More an intelligent process itself Art making alike paf is an artwork meer informatie over paf :­

Nr. 104, December 2006 • (Redactie Etcetera) • PORTRET VAN DE KUNSTENAAR ALS RESIDENT
Impossible figures can be drawn on paper but can’t exist in real life

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