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26 document(en) met "audience" • Resultaten 1 tot 20 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten

Nr. 2, Maart 1983 • (advertentie)
maart - JOZEF VAN DEN BERG met'De Dans van de Bultenaar'21,22,23,24,25 maart - HET TROJAANSE PAARD met 'King Lear' van William Shakespeare 2 mei - SPALDING GRAY met 'Interviewing the Audience 6 mei

Nr. 3, Juni 1983 • Roger Van Ransbeek • KAAITHEATER
en R. vonden Interviewing the Audience niet zo leuk, herinner ik me nog heel goed

Nr. 3, Juni 1983 • Johan Thielemans, Theo Van Rompay, Marianne Van... • KAAITHEATER
en R. vonden Interviewing the Audience niet zo leuk, herinner ik me nog heel goed

Nr. 18, Juni 1987 • Frank Peeters • Theater maken in de tegenstroom
animal horror of 'black' maenadism: deliber-ately he leads his audience through the whole gamut of emotions, from sympathy with the persecuted god, through the excitement of the palace miracles

Nr. 23, September 1988 • Hildegard De Vuyst, Johan Thielemans, Klaas Tindemans,... • KRONIEK
Jaumains sociaal-economische doorlichting van de sector ('Activité, audience, flux économiques') waar je reikhalzend naar uitkeek, ontbreekt: de inleider meldt laconiek dat "les Ateliers des Arts ont

Nr. 26, Juni 1989 • Marianne Van Kerkhoven • GOD OF DE LEDEPOP
Steve Paxton noemt dat 'tuning the audience': het stemmen van het publiek, het voorbereiden op een haast muzikaal kijkgedrag

Nr. 44, Februari 1994 • Nancy Derboven • Een schermutseling tussen Markies de Sade en...
inderdaad in zijn notities bij Exiles schreef dat: "The doubt which clouds the end of the play must be conveyed to the audience not only through Richard's questions to both but also from the dialogue between

Nr. 54, Februari 1996 • Pieter T'Jonck • Peter Brook en de materialiteit van Becketts...
actor searches vainly for the sound of a vanished tradition and critic and audience follow suit...Beckett's action on some of his audience is exactly like the action of his situation on the leading character...audience wriggles, squirms and yawns, it walks out or else invents and prints every form of imaginary complaint as a mechanism to ward of the uncomfortable truth

Nr. 63, Maart 1998 • Günther Samson, Jan Van Looy • Shakespeares Globe
audience is involved throughout - and to think that you can stand there and take part in such a splendid pageant for just 5 pounds

Nr. 67, Maart 1999 • Jan Goossens • Nieuw leven voor eeuwenoude vormen
group, the audience, that has not been prepared...Theatre only exists at the precise moment when these two worlds - that of the actors and that of the audience - meet: a society in miniature, a microcosm brought together every evening within a space

Nr. 77, Juni 2001 • (advertentie)
EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR PERFORMING ARTS Europese theaterconferentie 2001 IN FRONT OF THE AUDIENCE van 27 november t/m 1 december 2001 in Maastricht "Het publiek bestaat

Nr. 85, Februari 2003 • Helmut Ploebst • De kleren van de keizer
performance zowel acteurs als publiek wegliet (Robert Filliou, No-Play in front of a No-Audience, 1962), betekenden al deze werken in hun genre richtingaanwijzen-de veranderingen

Nr. 87, Juni 2003 • Jeroen Peeters • Waarom al die vragen?: het interview als...
What part does the audience play in your performance

Nr. 89, December 2003 • Maartje Somers • Te consumeren met én zonder knipoog: Mijmeringen...
over: 'Build the audience...Then split the audience...Het kan alleen met 'an audience that does not want old kinds of dramatic bullshit

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • De Escapist van de apocalypsgerieratie: De wondere...
audience gathered together in one hotel room and peered through telescopes and binoculars while I performed supposedly auto-erotic activities in my own room, across the courtyard, all alone

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Patricia Portela • Flatland
audience full of James Bonds leaving their fingerprints on their martinis while looking at me... And the reason why I was feeling strangely alive in your world was because I was being seen

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • 
activity without the one and only control system behind). If I dare to use words like :'direct','with an attitude/statement','deutliche privatmarotten', 'work that leaves space for an audience','work...respects an audience and its wide abilities', 'distance' I can only fail and at the same time try to start a discussion

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • Elke Van Campenhout, Bojana Cvejić • The Mapping
sacrifice politics when you promote it. In my point of view there are works which, when being shown and presented as political, 'destroy' all my efforts to build an audience for that work...doesn't exclude provocation or criticism...) - slow down theoretical and scientific speed and find another pace and appropriate format in order to mediate artistic works to a broader audience...far as building an audience for 'advanced work' is concerned, I see my role as a theatre director as a 'mediator' between artists and the audience

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • De redactie • Etcetera = ...: Intentieverklaring van de nieuwe...
mode of criticality I perceive some possibility of narrowing the gap between some beings out there who have been called the "general audience" of culture and those of us who have been more critically

Nr. 96, April 2005 • Kurt Vanhoutte • Lexicon van de technocultuur
Volgens de ingenieurs van SRL 'it's as difficult to describe as it will be for an audience to look at'. SRL is een door kunstenaar Marc Pauline geïnitieerd project, met als thuisbasis San

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