2 document(en) met "Democratic+Society"
Nr. 99, December 2005 • Bojana Kunst • Samenwerken en ruimtelijkheid
Students for a Democratic Society) in 1965 citeert: 'Alhoewel velen van ons stemmen als ondemocratisch beschouwen, is er toch de vraag of we het ons kunnen permitteren om per item acht uur te spenderen om tot een...Possibility, Art and Democratic Deviance', http://www.republicart.net/disc/institution/ esche01_en.htm
7 Charles Esche, 'What's the Point of Art Centres Anyway...Possibility, Art and Democratic Deviance', http://www.republicart.net/disc/institution/ esche01_en.htm
8 Ibidem
Nr. 109, December 2007 • Manuela Zechner • Herinner je vandaag.
couldn’t access all knowledge on that internet, nor could you access all knowledge outside of the internet, and you also couldn’t participate in direct democratic decision making
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